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  • marijane

    2010-01-03 at 16:55

    Wow great post. My temps are at 26 degrees more or less all the time right now, i just switched on my other light so we’ll see what that does. But when its -20 outside i dont see the light making too much an impact.

    I’ve also read about how much humidity affects pesky bugs and the sort. My last grow i had a little problem with thrips. They came 3 weeks before harvest so it wasnt a big deal that time. But i could easily see bugs becoming a big problem if they were to be there from the beginning. Yet another reason i’m very happy to be growing in winter. Once they thicken out a bit the humidity should raise a little i’m thinkin. Its like you said though, i’d rather have a low humidity than a high one, i’ve seen some grows get completely destroyed by mold and i’m not in any rush to see that happen.